Formia is a city in the province of Latina, on the coast of Lazio (Italy). It is located halfway between Rome and Naples, and it lies on the Roman-era Appian Way. Formia was founded in ancient times by the Laconi. In the Roman Republic era it was called Formiae (derived from Hormia or Ormiai, for its excellent landing). Cicerone was assassinated on the Appian Way outside the town in 43 AD, and his tomb represents one of the most famous monuments of Formia. The mausoleum is located at the entrance of the city of Formia, on the way from Itri to the city center of Formia and it dates back to the Augustian Age. Cicerone’s death is uncertain but it is supposed that he has been killed near the mausoleum. On a nearby hill, you can also visit the tomb of Tulliola, the daughter of Cicerone whose remains were found in Formia. Recently, the new archeological site of Caposele has been launched thanks to the cooperation with the Superintendency of Archeology. The site dates back to the Roman Age (I century b.C.) and includes the old Villa Rubino (well-kwown as the Cicerone’s house) and other ruins. Other sights include: the Regional Park of Gianola and Mount of Scauri and the Renaissance monastery and church of Sant’Erasmo.